Delivery by your local Vancouver Canada Florist, our flower shop is located in Kitsilano

Vancouver Canada FloristChristmas 2025 flowers are now available for local delivery in the city of Vancouver.

Phone orders  604-566-9880

Vancouver Canada local Florist offers daily delivery of flowers to all areas of Vancouver,

We are located in Kitsilano near the university of British Columbia.

Vancouver flowers and gifts offers same day deliveries of floral arrangements. our flower shop is located in Kitsilano near the University of British Columbia on the west side of Vancouver BC.

Hospitals we offer delivery to: VGH, Vancouver General Hospital, St. Paul’s Hospital, BC Women’s Hospital, Children’s, Lions Gate, Burnaby General, Richmond Hospital, the Cancer Agency, Ronald McDonald house, Easter seals house and GF Strong.

Cruise ship Terminal at the port of Vancouver-Canada Place-downtown

The Vancouver Port’s two cruise ship terminals, Canada Place and Ballantyne, offer passengers all the modern conveniences and services for a great and pleasant trip to Alaska. We deliver 7 days a week

Canada Place 

Cruise Ship Terminal is located downtown just next to the Vancouver Convention Center and in the same complex as the Pan Pacific Hotel at 999 Canada Place Vancouver B.C. Canada.

We deliver to: UBC, SFU, YVR, VGH, BC Cancer Agency, BC Women’s Hospital, Children’s hospital, Saint Paul’s Hospital. Mount Saint Joseph and Lion’s Gate medical facilities.

Same day delivery to the Ronald McDonald house, GF Strong, Easter Seals house, GF Strong, SFU, Langara College and UBC campus, Children hospital, Women Hospital, Saint Paul’s and Mount saint Joseph Hospitals.

Deliveries to cruise ships at the Vancouver port require advanced notice.